Friday, October 3, 2014

On writing essays...

An essay is usually a platform to express one's opinions and thoughts on a particular subject.

Essays can be of various kinds. 

1. Narrative essays - e.g. Autobiographies
2. Descriptive essay - e.g. Importance of education in society
3. Explanatory essay
4. Reflective essay
5. Imaginative essay - e.g. If I were a supreme court judge...
6. Proverbial essay
7. Argumentative essay - e.g. Should co-curricular ectivities be given as much importance as academics?

An essay is considered a complete composition. The essentials of essay writing would be the format (framework, structure), information (content, substance), language (expression, presentation), and logic (analysis and information).

The introduction is the opening part of the essay and should be confined to a paragraph, especially since, unlike a book, the introduction of an essay is not captioned. The introductory paragraph is expected to introduce the topic, and wherever necessary, explain the central theme or idea, basic or core concepts, and definitional criteria. The introduction should arouse interest and generate curiosity in the mind of the reader, be it an examiner.

The main text of an essay, after the introductory part is over, essentially is a systematic organisation of information based on a consistent methodology. It deals with the topic and related issues to be addressed, the correlation of facts, figures, ideas, views, concepts; an in-depth, systematic, coherent analysis based on the topic leading to logical inferences; as well as making (if it is required) plausible projections and providing with (if necessary) viable solutions. The text of the composition must develop, support and explain the main ideas stated in your introduction or thesis paragraph.

As the text draws close to the conclusion, the essay should have reached the stage of 'critical mass', a sort of a climax. The conclusion, a summary, should express the essence of the essay. It should not contain any fresh evidence, facts or figures.

An essay is expected to be a topical text that is self-explanatory and comprehensive, concise, composite and unambiguous, informative and logical.


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